Sunday, May 14, 2006

shiny objects

I think too much. and I think too much about thinking too much. And I am constantly trying to figure out an acid test to determine whether I am just generally blah or if I need to worry about heading to the dark side of my brain again.

So, it's good to know that a day of feeling lost, schlitz cute, untalented, lazy and anxious can be erased by the following:

"sweet, I forgot I owned that wig."

on the day that glitter, wigs and boas fail to make me smile, I'll know I'm in a bad way.


changapeluda said...

"sweet," i forgot i added you to my favuorites :0)

Anonymous said...

sincerely flattered! my own peeps just sideline email me.

Anonymous said...

meaning, i'm flabbergasted that you ended up here. and i totally appreciate it.